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Keep Air Conditioning Coils Clean and Running Efficiently

Homeowners should never underestimate the importance of the coils. Keeping them clean can be one of the best ways to maximize the efficiency of your home comfort system. Regardless of the type of unit your home has, regular service and necessary upgrades not only increase comfort levels, but also will markedly reduce your energy bill.

Here are some ways to ensure that your A/C system stays healthy and operational:

If you fail to keep the coils clean and dust and dirt do build up, the heat transfer in the condenser coil can become so blocked that it does not cool enough to convert the hot gas back to liquid form. When this occurs, the A/C unit continues to run, but does not cool. The result — the compressor will overheat and eventually fail. At Hobaica Services, we can help by providing a professional, thorough coil cleaning.

You can trust that Hobaica’s NATE Certified Technicians can remedy any potential hazards before permanent damage occurs. We take pride in providing the Valley of the Sun with honest, professional service since 1952.  Please call us at 602-950-0387 with questions about A/C coils or any other home comfort need.

For other articles related to your home comfort system, visit the Hobaica Services’ Blog.

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