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Indoor Air Pollution: It Really Exists

Most homeowners never think about indoor air pollution, but it’s a common occurrence in your home. Dust particles, smoke, chemicals in carpeting, asbestos, formaldehyde, pesticides – there are many ways that the air inside your home becomes a potential risk to the health of your family.

Although you may not realize it, the air inside many homes is more polluted than the outside air in most major cities.  Generally, these contaminants don’t pose a hazard but even dust particles can be problematic when someone in your home suffers from asthma, allergies, or sinus problems.

What causes indoor air pollution?  There are many culprits which may include:

There are many substances and chemicals that contribute to indoor air pollution. No matter how clean you think your indoor air is, it could probably be improved.

Hobaica Services has been a leader in the Air Conditioning and heating industry since 1952. Contact Hobaica Services to discuss all of your heating and air conditioning needs.  Call us today at 602-950-0387.  Family-owned and operated –“You’ll lika Hobaica.”

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