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Are Pleated Filters for You?

If you live in Phoenix, you will often find the air outside your home to be beautiful and clear. The air inside the home on the other hand, can have potential allergens, pet dander, and pollen, along with, mold spores, viruses and bacteria, all of which are made up of particulates, that can be hazardous to the health. Installing pleated air conditioning filters in the home air conditioner can ensure that most of these particulates are trapped, and no more a health hazard.

The filter material in an air filter traps the particulates on the filter surface and ensures that only air is allowed to pass through. You can get filters of various types that have different densities and are very thin. The minimum efficiency reporting value or MERV is the standard system for giving rating to air filters. In these MERV ratings the higher ratings of 20 trap the tiniest particulates, while a rating of 1 will indicate that only large particulates are trapped.

The Need to Opt for Pleated Air Filters

The use of filters leads to them getting clogged with tiny particles, thus reducing the amount of air going through. Pleating or folding an air filter, allows more area to be created. This increases the area where the particles are trapped as well as the area available for air to pass through.

Pleated air conditioning filters do not require to be replaced or cleaned as often as their less expensive counter parts.  However, we still strongly recommend cleaning or replacing air filters monthly, especially during dry or windy seasons.

Most pleated air filter have an MERV rating between 5 and 13, though filters with higher ratings are also available.  These filters can be available in a number of thicknesses and sizes and can be used for furnaces and air conditioners. The pleated filters are an ideal choice for those with weakened immune systems or those prone to sever allergies.

Some of these air filters, which are pleated, are made with synthetic fibers that are electrostatic and this enhances their ability to trap the particles that are not wanted.

You can also opt for filters that can absorb and eliminate odors, if you use those that use carbon fibers or charcoal.

Call the Comfort Specialists at Hobaica Services to help you keep your filters clean, your air quality fresh and your day bright.

Hobaica Services has been serving Arizona since 1952 and has a stellar reputation for performing above industry standards, providing a worry free experience and enjoying hundreds of referrals every month from customers who have trusted our team for over 60 years.

Contact Hobaica Services today for your Comfort Evaluation @ or 602-995-0387

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